 In Our Daily Rhythm, Rhymes, Songs & Stories

It’s been a busy few weeks and an absence from consistent blogging. Technical issues for me [read user error, here] finally resolved and I’m back to the grind.

It’s hard sometimes to capture what the children are doing without being intrusive. At times, there a beautiful things happening that you just have to jump in and capture. The Saplings are always busy and often a blur, they don’t slow down for anyone. There are a few exceptions, like when you are wearing a cat mask and say, “cheese”.

This age is so much fun. They are constantly discovering new things, eating us out of house and home and so squeezable! They are learning new words every day, their pretend play is emerging and they love to get their tiny hands in dough to make bread! You’ll notice the beautiful seasonal illustration on their blackboard that draws them in. They are learning apple rhymes and painting. They have dirt in their chubby rolls and that is a good thing! That means they have touched the earth, felt the ground beneath them and had a day of vitamin D! What more could you ask for when you are a toddler?

We love our Saplings!

Two Red Apples
Way up high in a tree (raise hands high)
Two red apples smiled at me (Smile BIG)
So I shook that tree as hard as I could (Shake it)
Down came the apples and
they were good! (Rub Tummy)

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