 In Weekly Meal Plan

*Menu subject to change



AM Snack:  yogurt (vanilla, honey)w/ no grain granola

Lunch: broccoli rice casserole (rice, cheddar cheese, fresh broccoli, eggs, chicken broth, onion, gluten free crackers, butter)

PM Snack: pretzels

Children’s work: shred cheddar cheese, crack eggs and whisk



AM Snack: hummus, bell pepper strips, carrot sticks, black bean/quinoa chips

Lunch: pizza soup (tomatoes, garlic, shredded zucchini, onion, basil, oregano) w/ Parmesan, homemade rolls with butter

PM Snack: banana

Children’s work:  measure and mix bread dough ingredients, knead and form bread loaves, cut pepper strips for morning snack



AM Snack: sliced cantaloupe, cheese stick

Lunch: bean nachos w/ guacamole (pinto beans, organic tortilla chips, avocado w/ lemon and garlic)

PM Snack: banana

Children’s work:  mash avocado and mix in lemon and garlic



AM Snack: fresh pineapple, whole grain toast w/ butter

Lunch: roasted zucchini, onion, broccoli, carrots, and chicken over rice

PM Snack: organic animal crackers

Children’s work:  slice zucchini and carrots, measure out rice and water for steamers



AM Snack: celery sticks, cheese stick

Lunch: waffles w/ maple syrup, scrambled eggs, cinnamon applesauce

PM Snack: pretzels

Children’s work:  crack eggs, season and whisk eggs