 In Our Daily Rhythm

We owe you some fun pics this week, so here you go!

Morning has come,
Night is away,
Rise with the sun
And welcome the day.

Gnome waiting to be noticed…

Aprons waiting for our staff…

Fresh air in the morning…

Morning muffins…

So beautiful are these moments…



A little bread ball…

It’s sweet to pair a friend needing help with a willing helper…

“Productive” open-ended play…


Everyone needed to help pull the hose into its next position…

Five, four, three, two, one, blast off!

Thursdays are for recycling in preparation for Friday pick-up…

Hauling it to the curb…

The driveway slope makes for a fun ride…

We managed to find a bluebonnet or two…it’s so dry we haven’t had many this year.

My apron pocket…filled with flowers from the children.

Babies, infinitely interesting to the older children.

Love these legs and shoes (that are nearly as broad as they are long)…

Planting. The immediate reward was a peppermint leaf to chew!

Climbing, in progression. He was excited and it was a pleasure to watch him meet his goal!

A friend pushed on his bottom to help him reach the poles…

Looking down from a new vantage point…the envious yet helpful friend will be able to do it too, another day.

This is how we roll…

She found a caterpillar ready to make a cocoon…

Somewhere, under parts of the rainbow…

Under the rocker…


The giant’s chair…

Baby meets goat…

Watching the animals…

Baby lover entertains baby…

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Have a happy day!