 In Our Daily Rhythm, Tips & Treasures & Thoughts

DSCF2184Bread baking day is always a popular day at the farm!  Being a part of the production of a meal is important work for the children.  Yes, they love to eat the warm bread with butter, but it means more when they have had a hand [literally] in making it!  I love watching these small hands work the dough.

Kneading the dough requires hand strength and this is good exercise for small hands.  We are always working on activities that strengthen a child’s hands and pincher grasp.  It’s not a realistic expectation for a child to hold a pencil or crayon to write and draw if they don’t have hand strength.  We do various activities throughout our daily and weekly rhythm to support hand strength.  Here’s a great Waldorf article explaining the development of hand strength.  Happy reading!