 In Our Daily Rhythm

Shortly before lunch one day last week, my small PreK group was outside playing. We were the only ones outside, and their play (as it often does) became fascinating. It was hot, the air was barely moving, but they went to work.

First, they had some fun near the tree with lots of “materials”…

They ignored other more “formed” materials…

Then, they placed logs and stumps just so. This took about 15 minutes and 2/3 of the small group of children…

Soon, more of group became interested in this obstacle. One by one they traversed their long creation. There were edits, close examination to see if two pieces were level, and lots of rules shared by the creators.

Building required engineering, experimenting, an open mind, and patience. Making the journey required balance, concentration, courage, and perseverance.

It kept the children busy for 30 minutes, and I was completely irrelevant, though close by. I guess I could have set up something similar to keep them busy or to practice gross motor skills. But why? The best play, just the best, is in them.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Have a happy day!