 In Our Daily Rhythm, Rhymes, Songs & Stories

The children are definitely enjoying Spring!  Ask your child to recite the nursery rhyme, Mary, Mary Quite Contrary or retell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The children have also enjoyed the Apple Tree finger play along with the poem, The Earthworm.  Many of our Treehouse and Sprout friends can retell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with great excitement and a little bit of drama added in!  They soak up the information and their rote memorization is quite impressive.

The Earthworm

The earthworm, while his home deep burrows,

Walks underground and makes deep furrows,

So, while I work with hoe and rake,

The earthwork helps my garden make.

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells,

And pretty maids all in a row.

Apple Trees

-Katharine Beebk

This is the apple a little child found.

[form a circle with hands for ‘apple’]

This is the core which he put in the ground.

[make motion of digging in the ground]

These are the seeds all hidden away.

[tuck head down into hands]

Wishing and waiting for some sunny day.

Here is an orchard of young apple trees,

[raise head up slowly]

Covered with blossoms and humming with bees.

[lift arms over head and spread fingers.  Make humming sound of ‘bees’]

These are the branches pulled down by the weight

[spread arms out to sides and drooping]

Of the finest ripe apple that you ever ate.

[drop arms heavily]

We’re enjoying the spring breeze and soaking up some vitamin D before the dog days of summer arrive.