 In Our Daily Rhythm
A deceptively sunny day kept us inside–it was bitter cold nearly all day. The PreK made it outside for a short time in the late afternoon. Today we modeled beeswax and colored with beeswax crayons. We enjoyed playdough, markers, winter stickers, and a good lunch of “burro tails”!
Anam drawing with such precision . . .
Good morning, playdough!

Beeswax . . .

Shaping a heart . . .

Learning to make a snail . . .

Sorting letters . . .

Giggling friends . . .

Decorating hearts. . .

Amanda reading a book . . .

Water play . . .

Porter . . .

Building a castle . . .

Community time with Kari . . .

Is that a dog? No, it’s Lily Belle, our minature horse.

Chef Hudson and Chef Cole make “burro tails” for lunch with Anthony.

Sleeping Luca . . .

Sleeping Porter. . .

Sarah is busy rounding up Abby and Lily Belle for the farrier’s visit. This is a multi-tasking mom!

Watching Lily and Abby in the front yard.

Playing horse with our “gentle leader”!

Drawing on a heart with beeswax crayons . . .

Dance party before lunch!


Our farrier, Julie, is here!