 In Farm Eats

When all the grandchildren showed up for a date with grandma and grandpa this past weekend, my mom had made some beef jerky for snack. It was a huge hit, especially with one of my daughters who we believe is a bit sensitive to gluten. This can make snacking hard, since it’s difficult sometimes to get her interested in protein or fruits/veggies for snacks. My parents follow a Paleo-type diet to manage diabetes, so this was a good snack choice for them, too.

My mom used Raising 5 Cattle Company’s stir-fry beef for her jerky, and she made a pound. Knowing my family, I used 2 packages of Raising 5’s grass fed stir fry beef. I am quite sure that using grass fed beef, in addition to the improved nutrients, made the jerky more tender than most I’ve had!

On a side note, Janie and I have long been fans of beef jerky, and I like venison jerky, too. Lots of folks in WV make their own, and our cousin used to let his air dry by stringing it on line in his ultra-warm basement close to the wood stove. We used to play and steal so much jerky that we couldn’t get enough water! I was also fond of the shredded jerky sold in a “snuff” can back in the day, kind of like Big League Chew. Jerky and roller skating to Michael Jackson’s Thriller album, now those were some good times…

2 lbs stir-fry beef or other lean cut, thinly sliced
1/2 cup soy sauce (you may want to chose one that is gluten-free, use Bragg’s amino acids, or wheat-free tamari)
2 tsp garlic powder
black pepper to taste (go light for kids)
1 tsp sugar

Other marinade/flavor ideas: Tabasco, Liquid Smoke, Sriachi, ginger, lime juice

Combine beef and additional ingredients in a non-reactive bowl. Cover with foil and marinate for 12-24 hours.

Lay beef flat on trays (next time I’ll use parchment).

Set oven to 170/175 degrees, and allow jerky to slow-roast for 5-6 hours, or until desired doneness. I set my electric oven to six hours and went to bed…we awoke to a delicious garlicy smell! The kids ate several pieces before breakfast (I told you they liked it)!
Remove from trays and store in an airtight container.
