 In Tips & Treasures & Thoughts

Eileen at Little Acorn Learning has graced us with a beautiful guide to constructing a Waldorf-style family life…

Whether you know much about Waldorf education or not, please consider this as a guide to family life in our busy, busy world!

But what can you do?

~ You can create a healthy rhythm to each day your children live within
your home.
~ You can keep the television and radio off while you are living, loving
and creating together.
~ You can choose a select few open-ended toys, a special doll and
playthings made from natural materials… keeping electronic, battery operated
toys and video games to a minimum – if at all.
~ You can sing and make up stories together.
~ You can do your schoolwork outside on the deck and incorporate artistic
methods for practicing and learning.
~ You can focus on all you CAN provide and remember how very lucky you and
your children already are.
~ You can remember that the study of Anthroposophy was never meant to be
only for the rich… that anyone who longs and strives to know more about the
layers of the Self and the Universe around them is welcome to seek and find
their own truth REGARDLESS of the educational model they choose for their
children. It is not a club. It is for all to enter…Welcome.
~ You can cherish your role as caregiver, homemaker and Your
Child’s Very First Teacher
as a spiritual task and sacred work to be done

and set a beautiful example for your children as you do so.
~ You can choose to live within this world on YOUR terms, protecting what
you hold to be sacred and true for your family. It is OK to say NO to what seems
the rest of the world is doing but feels wrong for you… in doing so, you set
the stage for others to follow – and will soon see that there are many more
parents like you than you originally thought and you will find your clan
wherever you are.
~ You can take care of your own health, interests, desires and creative
energies first and be whole and complete to be the amazing parent you long to be
for your children.
~ You can accept the fact that we cannot create a perfect world or scenario
for ourselves or our children as much as we try. This world is imperfect and so
are we. BUT we can work with what we have to create a BEAUTIFUL and FULL
existence while we are here. There is beauty in diversity, embrace the world for
what it is.
~ You can celebrate the Festivals and Holidays with song, crafting, recipes
and community… creating memories and traditions that your children will carry
with them forever.
~ You can choose natural fibers when dressing your children and always
remember the importance of warmth.
~ You can be an advocate for all children in your community, your school
and home and speak up to help create the change you hope to see in our
~ You can honor your spouse and work hard on your relationship with one
another to show your children how family deserves 100% of our time, commitment
and attention.
~ You can slow down… pass on a few after school classes, keep your
weekends open and pull out a bunch of board games or go on a hike instead.
~ You can teach your children to appreciate creativity… to use their
hands even when not using them may be easier… to knit.. to sew… to cook from
~ You can keep a seasonal table in your home and encourage your children to
add to it with the changing seasons and festivals.
~ You can approach learning, homework or study more holistically –
practicing multiplication by using rhythm sticks or sharing fairy tales that
incorporate spelling words.
~ You can encourage and inspire your children’s teachers and board of
education with articles, suggestions, example and ideas.
~ You can volunteer to teach your children’s class how to knit.
~ You can host advent spirals, lantern walks and other celebrations for
your community or school.
~ You can light a candle and say a sweet blessing at mealtimes.
~ You can have special afternoon for beeswax play, another for watercolor
painting, another for baking and so on…
~ You can spend a good amount of your time outdoors with your
~ You can remember that the World is ultimately GOOD and seek to find the
goodness in all you do and wherever you are. Look for the beauty. It is
Good luck on your journey – whatever it may be.
With love.
Eileen is a work-at-home mother of four
daughters. She writes and publishes monthly nature guides for parents and
caregivers of young children at http://www.littleacornlearning.com and has many
ideas and activities for parents on her blog at