 In Our Daily Rhythm

Community: practiced counting and identifying numbers 1-20, read Going To Sleep On The Farm, My Apron, The Sun, the Wind and the Rain, colors in Spanish, circle songs, each child performed a song of their choice for the group
Outside: cooked in the pretend kitchen, chase, rounding up horses [friends]; feeding and tending to “horses”
Fine Motor: various sorting and counting activities using beans, measuring utensils, egg cartons, tweezers and cups, wooden peg blocks
Inside: treasure trunk of dress up clothes, played cars on the new train table, cooking at play kitchen
Cooking: the children set the table for breakfast and lunch, served their friends

Breakfast: whole wheat bagels with cream cheese, peaches, milk
Lunch: two cheese macaroni and cheese with broccoli, apple and orange wedges, milk
Snack: roasted peanuts and Goldfish crackers, water