 In Tips & Treasures & Thoughts

This is a great article (click here) on learning more about supporting your child in his or her discoveries, which are important developmental milestones!  One excellent example of a celebrated milestone at school is learning to swing on one’s own, better known as “pumping”.  We lovingly encourage children to swing on their bellies when they request pushes.  We aren’t just trying to get out of pushing the children, but rather, their desire over time to climb up on the swing, sit on their bottom, and experiment with the motion of moving their legs in and out will eventually lead to success.  I might add that Good Earth Kids generally, in my humble opinion, learn to pump faster and at a younger age than their peers whose parents and teachers push them!  I know, there are no stats backing this up, but start looking around at the parks, then watch our kiddos on the play yard!
