 In Tips & Treasures & Thoughts

This will make a big batch of playdough (about 2 32oz yogurt containers full). Don’t like playdough in the house? Play it outside on the back porch or at the picnic table. Playdough is incredibly entertaining for children, and kneading can be very relaxing for adults. Feel free to add a couple drops of essential oil to the mix, or substitute some of your favorite hand lotion for the oil in the recipe.

5 cups flour
2 1/2 cups salt
10 T cream of tartar (we usually buy ours in bulk in the spice aisle–this time at Sprouts)
2 T oil
10 cups water
several drops food coloring

Mix dry ingredients in a large pot, then add oil, water, and food coloring. Cook over medium-high heat stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until playdough begins to form a ball and looks shiny. Remove from heat, allow to cool a bit, then knead the dough until it is no longer sticky and is very pliable. Store in an airtight container. Enjoy!